a.O. – b.c.


An audiovisual diary

State of concept

Athens, Greece

Curatorial Team:
Vicky Zioga, Electra Karatza,

Maria Adela Konomi, Lydia Markaki

and iLiana Fokianaki

12/07/2019 – 02/01/2020

Fifteen years after the end of the 28th Olympic Games in Athens, Greece has not recovered from the crisis. Traveling back to 2004-2010, a re-visiting through the spectrum of culture reveals a lot about the climate then and now. In September 2004, following the success of the 28th Olympic Games hosted in Athens, Greece was slowly embarking on a – then invisible to the many – economic downturn. It led to the then Prime Minister George Papandreou to announce on April 23, 2010 (ironically the dark anniversary of the Junta dictatorship) that Greece is entering the International Monetary Fund support mechanism, the country entering a long path of austerity.

In this important survey of contemporary art in Greece, before and right after the dark years of the economic crisis, Irini Karayannopoulou exhibits ‘‘Where is Giacometti buried?’’ the very first of her repainted portraits of famous male artists. Next to Giacomo, the artist places another, more recent image where prosperity, abundance and tacky taste preside.